Monday 31 December 2018

What is B2C travel booking system

Considering the customer’s requirements while setting up the development of online platform for your business, always help in rapid growth in industry. Customer satisfaction is the key to unlock success. As a leading travel portal development company, we understand the importance of a genuine, highly advanced and integrated with latest technology platform for our buddying agencies. We offer online travel sales channels B2B, B2C white label solution. Our B2B, B2C white label solution offers a sophisticated online reservation system, which is designed to cater more attention in the market.

B2C online booking system offers the right tools that make the booking related process faster and simple for all clients. It is designed for travel agencies to increase their profitability by offering inventories to customers directly.

Features of B2C travel portal are:

  • A secure online reservation system
  • Flexible features for hotels, flights, train, bus etc.
  •  Multiple payment option
  • Integration of payment gateways for reliable and secured payments
  •  Reporting system to help you for further planning
  •  Search availability with instant confirmation and generate vouchers or invoice automatically
  • User friendly, fast and informative websites
  • Location based search 
  •  Complete solution online for B2C comes with flight, hotel, tour packages
  • Agents can reserve multiple bookings of flights or hotels

We make sure that the cost of running website is low and we maintain your online business with low overheads from day one. It is easy to create and host new websites with country, destination, hotels to minimize the reliance on any market and you can plan your market budget at a low cost.

With the perfect B2C white label travel website, no deals of yours get wasted, as it helps your website function effortlessly. Our technology which is highly advanced and flexible which can lower the total cost and you can rely on it as it saves your money and time.

Why does travel entrepreneur and new companies need white label solution

When it comes to start your career in a business, the first and foremost thing that pops-up in our mind is the pros and cons. It is always a risk to start a business since we don’t know, how far we can go. A business requires huge investment and we can’t be sure whether we can gain profit or not. In that case, entrepreneurs love to invest in travel business as it’s a growing phenomenon and won’t face any downfall. People never stop exploring the world and so they requires a platform which provide them all the facilities at one go without much trouble. So, the proliferation of travel domain is growing day by day and at the same time the competition to survive in the market is becoming tougher. The market belongs to those, who with time upgrade itself to make the most out of the current scenario.
It is very important for business man to understand the on-going demand of the market to lure the customers by providing the best facilities to them. Travel industry is also nothing without a well developed online platform. A well responsive travel portal solution is what new investors require. 

One of the most prominent requirements of a travel portal is an integrated search page for displaying the services that are available in the website or app. White label solution gives your visitors a convenient way to plan their travel using your website while seeing your brand name and design. Recent developments offered by the travel portal solution allow effective searching for booking flights and hotels.

Your white label travel portal will look enticing and work both in computers and all kind of smart phones.

The service enables your customers to search from well designed portal which has advanced booking, filters, price, seat availability and many more important features.

Customized portal
You don’t need programming skills to configure and customized the service.

Embedding white label white label travel portal in your website will be the smartest move you will take to flourish your business. The best part is, it is very cost effective and you don’t need to worry about the costs. Often, new travel businessman avoids online site as they think it will be an extra expense and instead of investing it online they invest the amount in marketing. But little do they knows, that having an online platform itself is a promotion. It accumulates clients from all over the world.


Wednesday 12 December 2018

Best White Label Solution for the travel agents

Traveling is both passion and fashion. It is also a necessity for better opportunity to build up your career. From time we remember, human race has got a natural instinct to explore new things, places, culture and traditions. And in the 21st century, travelling has got a boost due to the popularity of online booking system. It made travelling easy for travel mongers to explore the world to satiate their lust to experience the world. Travelling is something that never be faded away with time. So the necessity of a medium through which one can easily step out to the world without any hesitation is being felt. There is no dearth of travelers and so the plethora of travel agencies is growing day by day. The market is very huge and people picks up only the best. To meet the needs of customers, the travel agency must have a well organized and authenticate web portal to book tickets or hotels. Customer satisfaction is the key to success here.

Travel business consists of two categories- Travel agency and Travel agency software developers. By the time this business has established itself as a milestone in the entrepreneur sectors which also provides employment. As the world is now totally depends on internet and people don’t have enough time to spare on booking tickets that takes a long time so Travel Portal Development Company comes to rescue. The travel agencies requires a user friendly portal which helps  it’s customers to get the in hand knowledge about the criteria and can proceed for further procedure without any delay and second thought.

To enhance your business you need a platform that provides you dynamic features of Travel White Label Solution Companies which consists of:

  • You need to create an attractive website or travel portal which can easily lure the customers.
  • It must be user friendly so that even a novice can easily get an access to it and time consuming.
  • Well organized home page with various tabs which can load different features when they are being clicked.
  • The designed travel portal should be capable enough to manage higher traffic.
  • Add layers of security features so that it cannot be hacked easily. It must secure the data of its customers.
  • There should be pre-designed tour packages, people must get what they are searching for easily.
  • The API should be user friendly.

Before starting a travel agency, you should go through the norms so that you can easily lure the customers. It has become the necessity of time to become globalised to attract your customers and as travelling is a fast growing business so the agencies are hunting for the best solution to get their secured, well designed portal. White level solutions for travel agents  should comprise all the features. The travel agencies need to integrate API which handles the website hassle free. Users must access to booking ticket or hotels without much trouble and the payment mode should be transparent.
A white level travel solution is the best medium which is convenient for both travel agencies and customers. It helps your business to be more authenticated.

Why is B2B White Label Solution necessary?

Travel portal solution offers internationally recognized travel solution to the travel agencies. We consolidate customers and travel agencies in a single platform which provides the best and technologically sound Travel Portal Software. We enhance the capability of travel agencies and build a transparent relation between clients and agencies. We provide excellent online booking platform for the agencies who have understood the importance of taking their business online.

If you are a pro in the industry then you must understand the value of B2B White Label Solution. It’s a business type where one business deals with another. It means, B2B is a platform through which one business provides service required by another firm. Online B2B travel has become an ideal place for both buyers and sellers to meet the satisfaction of ticketing process. It is essential for travel agencies to bring booking from several avenues into one platform.

Our system automates a travel portal giving full control to the agency which helps in booking or searching hotels, flights, train or buses, monitoring booking, generating updates related to the concerned field, a smooth payment gateway. By opting B2B White Label Solution, you are already choosing the best for your portal. When you choose us, you are actually getting a user friendly website. If the navigation is easy it will naturally generate its profit by acquiring a maximum number of attention from mass.

We value your efforts and so we don’t let you compromise with your dream at any cost. If you also want to start travel business investing little amount, than Travel Portal Solution is always there to assist you. We help our clients automate their travel portal, flexibility, system management feature which standardized the visage of your business. Travel business is expanding and so the entrepreneurs are coming forward to invest into the market. It is not possible to exist in a market which already has a fixed spot. But with us we can assure you to build your own place.