Thursday 28 September 2017

What Is the Difference between White Label B2B and B2C Portal?

The travel industry is now achieving new dimension. With everyday progress in the travel technology travel agents are now trying to provide the comfortable means to the travellers. Being technology driven the industry has now been simplified for the travellers but the agents are now facing lot of competition. To keep in accordance with the needs and desires of the industry agents are supposed to go with white label solution. It is something that would boost up the services and live updates on the website. Travel portals are differentiated into two main things, one is B2B travel portal and another one is B2C travel portal. Below we are pointing out the main differences between B2B and B2C Travel portal. 

Order Repetition: As B2B is business centric travel portal in which the portal is dealing with the business house directly hence there is always a chance of getting the repeated order from the same customer but the same does not follows with the B2C travel portal. The traveller may or may not get back to the company.
Customer Satisfaction Theme Specific: When we compare between B2B and B2C travel portal then the biggest difference that emerges out to be is that the B2B travel portal is completely customer centric. The promotion of the website is totally dependent on the needs and desires of the customer but the same does not goes on with B2B travel portal and it turns out to be bit boring and totally business specific. 

Search Functions: When we come to the search pages of B2B travel portal and B2C travel portal then the biggest difference that comes out is that it’s search page. The search functions are totally different. Like there would be the option of bulk or group booking in B2B travel portal but this function would not be available in B2C portal. 

Technical Aspect: When comparing the technical aspect of B2B and B2C Travel portal, then the link methodology used in both are also very different. In B2B virtual private network is used but it is not same with B2C travel portal. 

So, these are few of the major differences between white label B2B and B2C travel portals. Depending on the business size and the focussed targeted customers the travel portal should go with the reliable choice for the same. 

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Why white label travel portal is recommended for the start-up company?

Business is always a risk. While going for a new investment, the person can never be sure that whether he is going to get profit out of it or will be at loss. The same thought and the same dilemma goes in the travel portal start up as well. Travel industry is a field that lures the investors. Businessman thinks it is an easy investment and easy return business. Many a people try their luck in the travel business by going with a travel portal. There is no doubt in this that the business of travel is nothing without a travel portal. It is the official representation. In the earlier times when there was no online mode of communication then physical address was supposed to be the point of business but the modernity of technology has shifted the goals to online.

A well responsive travel portal is all what is required for a new investor to try his luck in the business.  Now, in consideration with the demand of the business then in accordance with the present requirement the travel portal need to be technology enabled, with all the modern means and modern services inculcated in the same. One of the very prominent requirements for the travel portals is an integrated search page for displaying the various services that are available in the website. There are two software solutions for the same one is Direct API and the second one is White Label Solution. 

There is a huge difference between the investment, and both of these services almost display the same result. The only drawback in white label solution is that it displays the identical page with the other portal that opted for white label solution from the same travel portal development company. So when considering the factor of no profit and no loss and the result displayed; it always comes out to be the conclusion that white label travel portal is the best recommendation for start-up companies. 

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Why Going with Travel Portal Development Always the Much Needed Demand of Business

The travel world is one amongst the complicated business all across the globe and it is because of the vast world and more than that, the complexities that are included in the same. To understand and to be in the business at a good position; the travel portal needs to be inculcated with all the desired and the modern solutions. Understanding the concept and the demand of the travel world is required, if one desires to rule the same. The task always starts with travel portal development. Travel portal development is not just a solution but it is the set of solutions that leads the travel portal towards a good business. 

All the required services and service solutions of the industry are included in it and hence it proves out to be the best solution for the travel portals and something by the means of what they can rule the industry as well. Now, there is a big question that what the specifications of travel portal development are and why it is always the much needed demand of the business. As we have already mentioned it above that it is the set of solutions that helps the travel business in overall development. From taking care of the website codes and responsiveness to the functional app development, everything which is the requirement of travel business is included in the same. 

Along with this, it also take cares of the technical aspect like White Label Solution, API XML integration, B2B and B2C travel portal development and most importantly, maintaining the website search solution page to ensure the good flow of traffic is what the travel portal development solution provides to the portal and hence helps in the overall development too. As a conclusion of this, it can be very well stated that travel portal development is the much needed aid of the business.